Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Uh-oh, i met TinyDog in the forest!



  1. I here you've been commenting bad comments! is that true?


  2. no someone has been saying it was me by using anonymous but THIS is me i have an acc. so i dont EVER use anonymous and i only go on 3 blogs iv never heard about this 1 untill u said it yesterday in the forest and idk u and if i WANTED to leave a rude comment id leave it to someone who has been a jerk to me so unless it has my pic and my name tht isnt anonymous it isnt me i have better things to do then comment on random blogs rudly.

  3. @Tinydog98
    Oh, well i may here wrong but i think you commented a bad comment on Spino11's Animal Jam Volcano? Is that true? And if so, why did you comment a bad comment?


  4. guys plz stop fighting this blog is happiness not badness okay so be hapy what u are for
    btw ironwulf lost membership

  5. I have no idea who spino11 or whoever is if it is anoynomous it ISNT ME i have this acc and its ME i dont use anoynomous =.=
